We Change Lives

We Build Sustainable Communities

We Raise Awareness

Our Mission Statement

At The Rhema Foundation Canada, we remain steadfast and consistent in striving to realize our organization’s mission every day: To change and affect lives, one day at a time, one life at a time.

Impact Numbers

People Helped
Countries Reached
Projects Supported

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Changing and Affecting Lives

Discover how you can help The Rhema Foundation Canada as we work locally and around the world to help:

Raise Awareness and Engage Community Partners

The Rhema Foundation Canada is seeking partners, supporters and volunteers to help us raise awareness about those in need and make investments to address that need.

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Build Sustainable Communities

Funded by a micro loan provided by The Rhema Foundation Canada in association with World Vision, Mary and other women from her village are becoming self-sufficient by making and selling clothing.

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Improve Health and Well-being for Children, Youth and Seniors

The Rhema Foundation Canada is currently working on a research grant through the Access, Equity and Human Rights Awards grant through the City of Toronto on how can change policy and provide recommendations around the disproportionate number of African-Canadian  youth being diverted into the Children’s Aid system.

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Eliminate Poverty and Food Insecurity

With the support of Second Harvest, North York Harvest and other food partners, The Rhema Foundation Canada is in the process of developing a food program that will promote food security to ensure local community members can make healthier living choices.

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Support Families in Need

Partnering with local settlement agencies, The Rhema Foundation Canada is helping to settle Syrian refugee families arriving in the Greater Toronto Area by providing essentials such as clothing, recreational space and housing opportunities.

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In Toronto:

  • 1 in 5 adults live in poverty
  • 1 in 4 children live in poverty
  • 150,000 children are living in poverty

Poverty is not just an urban issue. It is a human condition issue. Join us today and help us tackle poverty – one day at a time, one life at a time.

Get Involved With The Rhema Foundation Canada


Thank you for your interest in working for The Rhema Foundation Canada. There are no positions available at this time.

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Donate now to help us provide vital support to your local community and around the world. All of The Rhema Foundation Canada’s important life-changing initiatives are made possible by generous donors like you.

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Interested in helping The Rhema Foundation Canada fulfill our mission of changing and affecting lives, one day at a time, one life at a time? Become a volunteer!

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