The Rhema Foundation Canada

New Contest: “#TechForGood” Explores How Technology is Changing the Way We Give Back

Technology and Giving

It is obvious to many that smart technology has changed many aspects of our everyday lives, but few have considered the relationship between technology and giving. Indeed, many non-profits are quickly beginning to realize that keeping pace with current technology is not only necessary, but also instrumental to achieving their goals.

 The Rhema Foundation Canada is keenly aware of this shifting landscape and is always on the lookout for ways to leverage new technology to achieve our goals. To explore this topic, we’re inviting the community to share stories about how technology has impacted their charitable efforts. Whether it is an app that redirects food waste, or a fitness tracker that helps kids stay active, there are dozens of stories to tell.


For the month of February, we’re inviting other non-profits and members of the community to share stories of technological transformation. For each story shared with the hashtag #TechforGood, participants will be entered to win a brand new Jakcom smart ring! The Jakcom smart ring is an electronic wearable that boasts note-taking features, screen lock, APP lock, quick start, and the ability to share your business card, internet link, text, or online files.

The contest ends on February 28th when the winning story is announced.

How to Enter

To start sharing your stories and to join the conversation, follow @RhemaFound on Twitter or like The Rhema Foundation Canada on Facebook. You could not only win a smart ring, but your story might also inspire our next big project!