Child Research Project

Through Our Lives:

A Community -based Needs Assessment of African Canadians in the Child Welfare System


This study is a partnership between The Rhema Foundation and Ryerson University. It aims to improve our understanding of child welfare services for African Canadians by:

  • Identifying the service needs of African Canadian families who are involved in the child welfare system in Toronto;
  • Creating an inventory of community-based services for African Canadian families in Toronto; and
  • Exploring the barriers to the provision of community-based services for African Canadian families.


Principal Researcher

  • Jennifer Clarke
  • Social Work


  • Julian Hasford
  • Child and Youth Care


For more information and questions or to reserve your place in an interview or focus group, please contact:

Denica Kouame, Research Assistant at or (416) 496-8410 ext. 237

This research is funded by the City of Toronto
Access, Equity, & Human Rights
Twitter: @RhemaFound


Participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose to participate, you can refuse to answer any specific question or withdraw from the study at any time. Your participation in this study will not impact your relationship with child welfare service providers. Choosing NOT to participate will not impact any future relation with Ryerson University or The Rhema Foundation Canada.

Interviews and Focus groups will be held with parents, youth and service providers who have experience with the child welfare system in Toronto. Participants will also be asked to complete an online survey.

In appreciation of your time, you will receive an honorarium of $30.00, and may be eligible to win a draw prize.